Nationstates issue outcomes. [1]NationStates Issue No. Nationstates issue outcomes

 [1]NationStates Issue NoNationstates issue outcomes  Issue outcomes

254 is an issue about the backlash against the legalisation of slavery. NationStates Issue No. Users. 29, more than twice what your site's maximum decrease is. Are Humans Animals? (554) Your fav. Issue #486 was first reported by The Bloody Lamb on 13 February 2016. Issue #598 was first reported by Copercia on 1 October 2016. Retrieved 8 August 2019. 93 to 554. Issue #1318 was first reported by Deep Communism on 18 February 2020. This issue: NS. 625 is an issue about the uncovering of a contraband-smuggling operation. Best Issues and Outcomes! Time To Put The Older Senators Out To Pasture? Many people are starting to think that it's time to put term limits on elected officials, given the average age of 70 years old and 40 years of service in the nation's Parliament. References ^ a b Jutsa (19 Jun 2009). This forum is intended to provide those of us who care with cheats so that we can all choose the best options for each issue. Issue #810 was first reported by Koem Kab on 4 September 2017. External links. (Needs confirmation. Issue 789 on the NationStates Forum; The {{Navbox Issues}} template is being replaced by. Issue #28 was part of the original line-up of 31 issues, when NationStates first went online on 13 November 2002. According to Trotterdam on 8 August 2019, option 3 enacts the No Prison policy. 1073 is an issue about cultural or political correctness. Issue outcomes. 498 is an issue about the reliability of artificial intelligence. NationStates Issue No. Issue #491 was first reported by The Candy Of Bottles on 22 February 2016. Issue #326 was the second of only three issues that were discovered in 2013, due to issues with the availability of the issues editing team. Issue outcomes: contains the outcomes of the issue, such as banners and policies, but not statistical effects. 648 is an issue about the secrets of confession, when it comes to dangerous criminals. Many are blaming this decision on bribery and corruption on a massive scale. According to Trotterdam on 24 August 2018, option 2 enacts the Space Program policy. Issues are problems that you need to handle, and they impact your nations statistics and rankings abroad. Issue outcomes. B7 (side) This issue: NS. According to Trotterdam on 22 July 2019, option 4 sometimes adds the No Dissent policy and sometimes removes the Public Protest policy. According to Trotterdam on 15 March 2019: Options 1, 2, and 3 remove the No Sports policy. The {} template is being retired. Option 1 cancels the No Dissent policy. Issue 625 was first reported by Trotterdam on 7 November 2016. According to Trotterdam on 31 July 2019,. 801 addresses the transmission of objectionable content in animated series. Trotterdam. According to Trotterdam on 2 August 2019,. Issue outcomes. Development history. Issue #341 was first reported by HC Eredivisie on 8 March 2014. 2004. "Issue #687". External links. Release date. Release date. ← #675. References ^ Outcomes. The military is on a massive recruiting drive in advance of an invasion of Brasilistan. NationStates Issue No. "Issue #494". Issue #444 was first reported by Autochthonesia on 2 August 2015. Issue #245 was first reported by Ballotonia on 10 July 2009. Issue Summary. 401 is part of the "An International Incident" Issue Series. 487 is an issue about the appropriateness of traditional and tribal punishments. According to Trotterdam on 23 September 2021: Option 2 leads to Issue #1019; Option 3 bans the internet. Issue #825 was first reported by Bears Armed on 26 September 2017. ReferencesIssue outcomes. 1 Issue summary; 2 Issue options; 3 Issue outcomes; 4 Revision history; 5 References;. 1065 is an issue about the enforcement of international climate treaties. Contents. NationStates Issue No. (as of 1 September 2023) Launched. Archived from the original on 27 July 2019. External links. Flags. Retrieved 25 April 2018. 4 Outcomes; 5 External links; Eligibility Issue Summary. EDIT: Option 670. Issue #674 was first reported by Noahs Second Country on 13 February 2017. ReferencesOutcomes. 1 Eligibility requirements; 2 Issue summary;. Option 1 enacts the Prohibition policy. The nation chose option 2 in Issue #388. 580 is an issue about privacy in the national census. Issue #684 was first reported by Xynlandia on 8 March 2017. Retrieved 3 August 2019. Trotterdam. NationStates Issue No. NationStates Issue No. This issue: NS. Issue #424 was first reported by Pooshenland on 2 May 2015. v; t; e; NationStates issues. Contents. Option 4 enacts the No WMDs policy and cancels the Weapons of Mass Destruction policy. Contents. ^ a b Trotterdam (3 August 2019). 700–799 ← 800–899 → 900–999. First reported by Flanderlion on 26 August 2016, this issue is notable because players are not able to dismiss this issue. #746 →. #342 →. NationStates Issue No. NationStates Issue No. 1 Eligibility requirements;. NationStates Issue No. 200 is an issue about a rise in teenage pregnancy. Issue #239 was first reported by Spartzerina on 2 July 2009. Outcomes. This issue: NS. References ^ This issue: NS. Issue outcomes. Issue outcomes. 1053 is an issue about members of the armed forces raising families with citizens of a war-torn nation. External links. According to Trotterdam on 31 July 2019: Options 1 and 2 leads to Issue #695;; Option 4 enacts the Theocracy policy. Issue outcomes. References ^ Peace and Good (20 May 2008). Archived from the original on 1 August 2019. NationStates (formerly Jennifer. According to Trotterdam on 8 August 2019: Options 2 and 3 may repeal the Prudism policy, under certain conditions; Option 4 enacts the Conscription policy;NationStates Issue No. NationStates Issue No. 1 Eligibility requirements; 2 Issue summary;. v; t; e; NationStates issues. References ^NationStates Issue No. External Links. Candlewhisper Archive. Notes and referencesNationStates Issue No. Contents. 444 is an issue about old nuclear weapons. Issue outcomes. See also. Trotterdam. Issue outcomes. 6). Although your nation put in a strong proposal to host the next International Football Federation (IFF) Global Cup, your bid was rejected. Issue outcomes. Issue outcomes. According to Trotterdam on 8 August 2019, options 1 and 4 replace the Gun Ownership policy with the Gun Control policy. Issue outcomes. External links. According to Trotterdam on 8 August 2019: Option 1 enacts the Conscription policy; Option 3 repeals the Autarky policy;NationStates Issue No. Issue 652 on the NationStates Forum; The {{Navbox Issues}} template is being replaced by {{navbox issues}} (note the casing). NationStates Issue No. NationStates Issue No. This issue is excluded from class nations, because it discusses suicide and assisted suicide, both controversial and sensitive topics: otherwise, the nation must allow euthanasia. NationStates Issue No. Issue #1 was part of the original line-up of 31 issues, when NationStates first went online on 13 November 2002. Issue 588 on the NationStates Forum; The {{Navbox Issues}} template is being replaced by {{navbox issues}} (note the casing). 467 is an issue about circumcision. 13 February 2016. ^ a b Trotterdam (1 August 2019). External links. Issue outcomes. ^ Ballotonia (13 August 2010). "Re: NationStates Issues **SPOILER ALERT**". Outcomes. 836 addresses mass suicides executed on the basis of religious beliefs. 1 Eligibility requirements; 2 Issue Summary; 3 Options; 4 Issue outcomes; 5 References; 6 External links;. Outcomes. Contents. ReferencesThis issue: NS. Outcomes. Issue #2 was part of the original line-up of 31 issues, when NationStates first went online on 13 November 2002. ← #325. According to Trotterdam on 8 August 2019: Option 1 may enact the No Immigration policy, under certain conditions; Option 2 leads to Issue #990. ← #786. Issue outcomes. HOW IT WORKS: Every option on an issue gives you some results. Issue 118 on the NationStates Forum; The {{Navbox Issues}} template is being replaced by {{navbox issues}} (note the casing). the "Underwear of Women in Power" issue of The @@CAPITAL@@ Times is sold out 2. Option 1 causes the nation to resign from the World Assembly (and lose all existing WA Endorsements as a result). #160 →. External links. 300–399 ← 400–499 → 500–599. ← #1152. NationStates Issue Results. Issue #227 was first reported by Ballotonia on 22 June 2008. 274 is an issue about incest, and marriages between closely related people. Trotterdam. According to Trotterdam on 5 August 2019: Option 1 may enact the No Dissent policy, or repeal the Public Protest policy,. [2]NationStates Issue No. This issue: NS. ReferencesNationStates Issue No. NationStates Forums. Contents. Options 2 enacts the State Surveillance policy. "#647 Songbirds' Decline Ruffles Feathers". This issue: NS. Contents. In break with the current tradition of not disclosing Issues effects, the NationStates Issues team agreed to disclose. 01 to +9001 Cheerfulness" and you end up getting the -0. Retrieved 23 May 2018. Issue outcomes. Option 4 enacts the Sortition and Autocracy policies and cancels the Devolution policy and the Term Limits policy. 766 is an issue about compliance with a recently signed international emission-reduction treaty. The result of Option 3 formerly stated that “Membership in the state-owned Church of @@NAME@@ is mandatory and all other faith organisations are banned”: the text was changed to cover other major. Westinor reported that the two reported validities (no abortion + one-child-policy) in combination weren't enough for them to receive the issue (in the GI discord), though they didn't remember the order - leaving the possibility open that it was a chain, needing you to have No Abortion then try a one-child-policy option. Issue #413 was first reported by the author on 9 March 2015. 913 is an issue about plans for a coup d’etat. 1 Eligibility requirements; 2 Issue Summary; 3 Options; 4 Issue outcomes; 5 References; 6. The {} template is being retired. External links. Issue outcomes. 600 is an issue about a proposal to build an official residence for the national leader. Its triumph lay in the enshrinement of the principle of national self-determination as the universal norm by which political sovereignty and international relations would henceforth be measured and conducted. Before there were nations with a formal position of "Issue Editor" (like. Issue #245 was first reported by Ballotonia on 10 July 2009. Issue #524 was first reported by The Aurora Archipelago on 7 June 2016. Initially you get a higher rate of issues like normal, however, once. Issue outcomes. Trotterdam. [1] Issue outcomes. 154 is an issue about skateboarding in public places. #919 →. Issue options 31 January 2013. External links. 1 Issue summary; 2 Issue options; 3 Issue outcomes;. They are also known as starter issues, which (according to Ransium, an Issues Editor, on 18 December 2017) new nations are more likely to receive until they reach a population of 20 million, address 10 issues, or have fewer than 3 unanswered issues waiting. Contents. Editor. 17 November 2007. #639 →. Bugs are built in which are. EX: Randomized to get +0. Bigtopian relations have become a minefield. Issue outcomes. Issue outcomes. #103 →. Light At The End Of The Tunnel. NationStates Issue No. Flags. Contents. Issues #0 to #30 form part of the original pool of issues when NationStates launched in November 2002. NationStates Issue No. Fraternity Furor. Outcomes. 222 is an issue about terrorism. NationStates Issue No. Issue outcomes. According to Trotterdam on 25 July 2019, option 3 repeals the Space Program policy. 1 Issue summary;. 323 is an issue about the safety of social networks. All My Bits Are Belong To You. has caused an uproar in @@NAME@@ for its new product – Mindy The Android Wife. 1027 is an issue about the liability of artificial intelligence in criminal cases. Issue #467 was first reported by Phydios on 7 December 2015. According to Trotterdam on 31 July 2019, option 1 enacts the Corporal Punishment policy, because the nation decided to allow chemical castration. This issue: NS. According to Trotterdam on 8 August 2019, option 1 repeals the Corporal Punishment policy. NationStates Issue No. v; t; e; NationStates issues. Issue #493 was first reported by Outer Sparta on 5 March 2016. NationStates Issue No. #423 Returning Holy Warriors Cause Trouble. 524 is an issue about gerrymandering and rotten boroughs. ReferencesIssue outcomes. The {} template is being retired. 797 is the last issue of the @@CAPITAL@@gate series. 1 Issue summary;. ReferencesThe nation-state was both the triumph and the tragedy of decolonization. Issue outcomes. References24 September 2018. [1]Issue outcomes. ← #678. #577 →. Outcomes. According to Trotterdam on 10 August 2019, option 5 leads to Issue #1060. References ^ Luna Amore (3 August 2017). Outcomes. ← #1317. 825 addresses the consumption of bugs as a beef-replacement with benefits to the environment and to health. NS. Power Problems Need Bright Solution. According to Trotterdam on 5 August 2018, option 5 repeals the Conscription policy. 1 reads. Editor. NationStates Issue No. Issue outcomes. Issue outcomes. ReferencesOutcomes. NationStates Issue No. Trotterdam. The controversial book "Battle Hymn of the Lion Dad", which depicts a foreign-born father brutally raising his children to outperform their peers, has whipped up a great debate over parenting in @@NAME@@. Issue #679 was first reported by Blargoblarg on 24 February 2017. Outcomes. 21 is an issue about public surveillance and the right to privacy. Revision history. There are some serious issues (or at least more serious) with more serious effect lines - though these are rare. The World Census ranked nations on the basis of how odd, extreme, or fundamentalist their social, economic, and political systems are. Outcomes. 290 is an issue about the quality of vehicles made in the nation. According to Trotterdam on 26 July 2019, option 3 enacts the No Automobiles policy. NationStates issue results All effect lines on one page Policies Notabilities #0 Should Democracy Be Compulsory? #1 Where's the Love Gone? #2 Reclaim the Streets! #3 Harry Potter Censorship Row #4 Economic Collapse Looms! #5 Child Casino Shock #6 Appointment of Spiritual Advisor #7 Animal Liberation Front Strikes Again #8 Nudists Demand Time in Sun This article lists NationStates issues 1000–latest: the issues are divided into sections for easier access, and macros have been substituted here for ease of reading. Option 3 leads to Issue #795. The World Census ranked nations on the basis of how odd, extreme, or fundamentalist their social, economic, and political systems are. Issue outcomes. Issue #983 was first reported by Tinhampton on 4 May 2018. 0 – the original issue that Issue #1000 is based on. This issue shares the same number with the alleged Number of the Beast in the Christian Bible, hence the general theme of mass surveillance. Option 2 leads to Issue #791. ← #176. Option 14. Contents. Issue outcomes. References. 628 addresses the damage caused on rural communities due to forest fires. " was replaced with "If you’re too drunk to walk in a straight line, you’re too drunk to walk. Contents. NationStates Issue No. The {} template is being retired. Issue outcomes. Contents. External links. 459 is an issue about a murder investigation. Issue outcomes. Issue #597 was first reported by Divine Cervine on 28 September 2016. 28 is an issue about the legalisation of euthanasia. When you select the option, it randomizes all the selections (including the Civil Rights Example) and gives you the result. "NationStates Issues **SPOILER ALERT**". According to Trotterdam on 13 June 2018,. Issue outcomes. (Needs confirmation. References. part of AN's forum sig, ver… (1,310) [Submitted and in queue] - Reducing l… (26) Alternative Cold War (139) This issue: NS. 1009 is an issue about household roles. 645 addresses the desirability of police discretion when dealing with cases that, although serious, require search warrants. NationStates Issue No. "Issue #1192". NationStates Issue No. The {} template is being retired. Retrieved 25 April 2018. References. According to Trotterdam on 31 July 2019, option 2 enacts the No Internet policy:. Option 4 enacts the No WMDs policy and cancels the Weapons of Mass Destruction policy. 939 is an issue about religious liberty. An International Incident is the first issue chain. NationStates issues may contain macros (sometimes confusingly known as variables). "#869 I'll Be in My Bunker". Option 1 leads to Issue #790. Issue outcomes. v; t; e; NationStates issues. According to Trotterdam on 25 July 2019, option 3 may enact the No Dissent policy, under certain conditions. NationStates Issue No. Issue outcomes. Option 4 enacts the No Automobiles policy. For instance, 17. the nation's democracy attracts huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Issue summary. Issue outcomes. Perhaps you are deciding whether for that issue, it is best to prioritize the environment over the economy. According to Trotterdam on 8 August 2019: Option 2 may repeal the Theocracy policy, under certain conditions;NationStates Issue 568 is an issue about the abuse of executive veto on legislation. The {} template is being retired. Issues #0 to #30 form. Issue #39 was first reported by the author on 17 October 2003, and is the first issue to be edited by the moderation team. Trotterdam. Outcomes. This issue: NS. If the spoiler says "-0. NationStates Issue No. [1] Issue #1000 is a re-write of Issue #0, with the same title: however, Issue #1000 takes into account of the political developments that occurred since the publication. Issue outcomes. Earliest ← 0–99 → 100–199. The NS card game is particularly obnoxious. NationStates Issue No. 1 used to decrease corruption and 17. Issue outcomes. Contents. References ^ Tinhampton (10 April 2017). Issue Summary. If this is a part of the game that you simply cannot accept or get over, then I would suggest that it is possible that NationStates is not the right game for you. Issue 793 on the NationStates ForumNationStates Issue No. NationStates Issue No. #1074 →. Issue #1088 was first reported by Freedenea on 12 October 2018. Latest Forum Topics. Issue outcomes. Trotterdam. Option 2 enacts the Child Labor policy. ← #340. 1153 addresses the market aftermath of a pharmaceutical company going under due to corrupt practices. Trotterdam. D27 (side) This issue: NS. Issue #342 was first reported by Benjamin Mark on 14 March 2014. Contents. 206 is an issue about a nuclear power safety standards. 24 February 2017. 444 is an issue about old nuclear weapons. Option 1 cancels the No Immigration policy. #344 →. Issue #14 was part of the original line-up of 31 issues, when NationStates first went online on 13 November 2002. Contents. Contents. Issue outcomes. According to Trotterdam on 29 July 2019: Options 1, 2, and 3 end the issue chain; Option 4 leads to Issue #406; Option 4 also. Nation. Issue outcomes. #390 →. [ 1] What is NationStates? NationStates is a multiplayer online text-based game which simulates a government setting.